Randall Castillo Ortega explains how an export business can conquer new markets

When a company sells in international markets, it earns significant profits: greater competitiveness, better margins and diversification of market risk. For this reason, it is essential that companies, both large companies and SMEs, implement strategies to make their way in other latitudes. Randall Castillo Ortega, an entrepreneur and expert in import and export operations, provides […]

Randall Castillo Ortega discusses proper warehouse management for import companies

Performing excellent administration and control of distribution centers that import companies may have requires a lot of work. However, if certain ideas are implemented correctly in an efficient way, most of the productivity problems in the warehouse could be solved easily. Thus, it is essential to assess the products’ activity profile, the design of the […]

Randall Castillo Ortega provides advice for operating a successful import/export business

Whether you’re thinking about turning your company into an importer or exporter or are already one, there are challenges that have to be addressed. Times are changing and so is consumerism, and understanding the industry is challenging. Randall Castillo Ortega, an entrepreneur and import/export expert from Costa Rica, provides tips to help entrepreneurs excel. In […]

Randall Castillo Ortega discusses quality control for an import/export business

The Chinese market offers great business opportunities thanks to its production capacity and know-how in a wide range of products and at competitive prices. However, every year thousands of entrepreneurs hesitate to buy in China because they are afraid that the experience will be a failure. They are right to be concerned if they think […]

Randall Castillo Ortega explains the best type of office space for a startup

If the entrepreneurial dream has finally come true and you are ready to launch your startup, one thing you’ll need is office space to make everything run smoothly. Most startups also have a tight budget, so you’ll want to consider the cost of any location before making a final decision. Randall Castillo Ortega, an entrepreneur […]